Our Church Story

Westwood Community Church was organized in 1872. After several relocations, the church settled into our current site, a building erected in 1958. Today Westwood Community church is ministering to our membership under the leadership of our Senior Pastor, Elder Nathaniel Anderson. Westwood Community Church welcomes those in the Middle Tennessee area and throughout the world to worship with us as we worship God, share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others and continue Kingdom building with excellence.


Meet the pastor & first lady


Our Pastor

Nate Anderson

Elder Nate Anderson is the Senior Pastor of the Westwood Community Church. He is newly elected succeeding his father, who served over 30 years. Elder Anderson is looking forward to the challenge of building on the solid foundation laid by the previous Pastor. Carrying Westwood Community Church into this new season is a goal Elder Anderson is looking forward to. He is a man of faith and believes in Christian growth through teaching, preaching and evangelizing. 

Elder Anderson has B.A. and Master’s degrees in Business from Ottawa University and his Ph.d candidacy from Sullivan University. He has received many accolades inside and outside his Christian endeavors. As a former Dean of Christian Education , he values learning through Sunday School, Bible Study, Mission and Outreach. Some of his greatest achievements include his ability to connect with youth and young adults. This connection can be seen in his relationships with the youth in his church and in the classroom when he is teaching. 

Elder Anderson and his wife Kim have three children, who have they have nurtured and supported to be fully functioning adults , who remain committed to their Christian journeys. 


First Lady

Kim Anderson

Kim Anderson is the leading Lady of Westwood Community Church.  Besides supporting the Pastor of Westwood Kim is committed to the growth of the church and its ministries. Like her husband, Kim has a commitment to youth and young adults. She has served her community with 30 plus years of ensuring the safety and well-being of children. As a former Sunday School teacher, youth director and college cafe’ founder, Kim believes the key to continuous church growth is acknowledging and valuing the beauty and potential that lies within each member of the congregation. 

Kim received her B.A. and Master’s degrees from the University of Louisville. She has received many professional and personal accolades in the community, but her value lies in humility. 

Kim is married to Pastor Nate Anderson and they have three adult children. 


administration & ministries


Deacon’s and Trustees

Our Deacons assist the Pastor in ministering to the entire congregation by visiting the sick. They assist in the distribution of benevolence to members and the community.


Our Mother’s Ministry assist the Pastor in ministering to the congregational needs of its members. They provide insight and support to those in need.

Christian Education

Our Christian Education Ministry consists of our Sunday School, Bible Study, New Member’s Class and Vacation Bible School. These areas of Christian Education offer personal enrichment through classroom instruction. Our new member classes help new members determine their spiritual gifts and helps to equip them with the tools needed to have a more enriched relationship in Christ. It also helps the new member assimilate into the life of the Church.

Outreach Ministry

Our Outreach Ministry consists of our efforts to serve others with our church and community. This ministry consists of visiting the sick, mission, community involvement and service to others.

Worship Ministry

Our Worship Ministry consists of our Music Ministry, Dance, Drama and any other form of worship. This ministry reaches all ages.

Women’s Ministry

Our Women’s Ministry provides service to others within the church and in the community. The services provided by this ministry are designed to promote the support of the woman’s spiritual, emotional and physical needs.

Usher Ministry & Greeter’s Ministry

Our Usher Ministry assist with creating a positive atmosphere for those attending worship. They help make visitors and members feel comfortable and help lend Spiritual dignity to the Worship experience. Our Greeter’s Ministry involves our youth who are stationed throughout the building to greet worshipers as they enter the sanctuary.

Youth Ministry

Our Youth Ministry consists of youth and young adults from various backgrounds and spiritual walks of life who worship through music, drama, dance. They attend Sunday School and Bible Study. They are involved in Youth and Youth Adult activities within the church and community. They are known as Westwood Youth Connection because their goal is to connect to Christ and the Community through service.